February 9, 2013

In the name of Lovey

Dear Norah Bird,

You were never a very cuddly baby. You would nestle into me as I nursed you and when you were really bitty you enjoyed sleeping on your Dad and I, curled up on our chests. But other than that you wanted your space. You weren't content being held close or snuggled. You had stuff to see. Stuff to do. Even before you could do much on your own. I sometimes wished I had a snugglier baby - one who was content just to be cuddled close to her mama all day long.

Days old, sleeping on mama.

But good things come to those who wait. I now have a very snuggly toddler! A few months ago you started with the kisses and the hugs. And you enjoy being held close while being read to - insisting on sitting on our laps. And you have this amazing way of greeting me after I've been out of the house for a while. You race over to me and I pick you up. You give me a couple of enthusiastic "Hi Mom!"s in your cute little voice. You then put both of your hands on the back of my neck and look my straight in the eye as if you're trying to make sure it's really me. Then you pull on my neck to give me the strongest hug you can give with your little arms and a few slobbery kisses right on the lips. You then pull back and cup my chin in your little hands and repeat the whole heart-melting ritual.

Somehow that came out sounding like an excerpt from a trashy romance novel. Other than the "Hi Mom!" part, I guess.

When you turned one year old you got a "lovey" as a gift from your Nana. You had all sorts of loveys and stuffed animals in your first year of life that I tried to imprint on you. I thought it would help to have a security "friend" to comfort you when I wasn't immediately available. But you were never interested. Until you met this one.

Norah meets "Lovey."

Apparently you hadn't met the right lovey before. This one is a shaggy sheep-dog looking thing with oatmeal colored fur and a pale pink bow. You love this thing. Lovey (as we named her) sleeps with you and goes with you to daycare for nap time. We watch you on the video monitor at night as you cry out in your sleep and roll around reaching until you find her again. It's pretty cute unless it's while we're sleeping.

Sleepy girl and her lovey.

And so, here begins our tale.

It was an all-around rough morning and it just happened to be your father's birthday. It was a mommy work/Norah day care day, which we have twice a week. Unfortunately for us, you were up at 4:00 a.m. that day and would not sleep unless one of us was holding you. This is very atypical for you unless you're teething. Normally you sleep like a champ. During the rare times that this happens, we try to comfort you and indulge you a bit. As a result, we didn't get much sleep. That is until I dozed on the couch while holding you and woke up 45 minutes late.

So we were running late. But, finally we were well on our way to dropping you off at daycare. Halfway there (and already late for work) we realized we forgot Lovey. Your Dad and I debated for all of 30 seconds as to whether you could go without her today, but being that you were having a rough time with teething we knew we had to go get it. So, back we went to retrieve a stuffed animal for our daughter. Something we never thought we'd do, but I now have a feeling that this is only the beginning.

Your Dad and I were a little late for work that day. But it was well worth it knowing that our little Norah Bird had her lovey with her to help her through the day. I hope we can always provide that level of comfort for you.


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