February 26, 2015

"Movie" Night

Dear Norah Bird,

It's been a while. Rather than play catch-up on major life events since I've last written (namely the arrival of your baby sister, Claire!) I'll just dive back into the everyday stuff this blog was intended to capture.

Norah Elizabeth and Claire Emily
I've really been enjoying my time with you and Claire at home. We have our little routines and rituals that get us through the day and bring us smiles. And being that you are now a toddler of three, we also have our little bargaining and negotiating tactics. Mostly these revolve around nap time. You have been revolting against your afternoon naps with a stubbornness that I attribute to being your father's daughter. I wouldn't mind so much if you didn't need your nap, but you DO still really need your nap. Our evenings are miserable when you don't get it. Such is the power of the toddler.

But today, you took a nap! And your reward was getting to stay up "late" and watch a "movie." Daddy made some popcorn for us. You and Claire each got your own little bowl - purple for you as it's now your favorite color. I found a 10 minute Olivia video on youtube that we played on the television. We all snuggled up, munched on our snack and watched the "movie." Little did you notice that you and your sister were still bathed, read to, sung to and snuggled into bed by 7:45.

Popcorn and jammies!

And so until you're old enough to know better, this is likely how the occasional family movie night will go. Because as a toddler, you have a lot of influence over a lot of things. But mommy and daddy still like to think we're in charge some of the time.
