Once Upon a Time there was a little girl named Norah who was becoming more and more of a Daddy's girl every day. So for Father's Day, her mother tried to get some new "DAD" pictures of Norah in front of the new pollinator garden that Norah's daddy had been working so hard on this year.
Last year, Norah could barely sit up for her photos but she was full of smiles. This year, things were a little more challenging for Norah's mother who had a post-surgical (irritable) and independent (disagreeable) toddler on her hands.
This was the best that mom could do:
Luckily the letter D is the same when held backwards and upside down. |
A is for airplane that I see in the sky! |
D is for DONE. |
Despite her lack of comprehension of and commitment to father's day photo traditions, Norah very much loves her daddy. It's Dada that made everything better as he slept by Norah's side at the hospital this week. He's the one that does the dirty work of giving Norah yucky medicine and cutting her fingernails. And he's the one that Norah asks for bedtime stories - even if it's Mama's turn. And Dada is comfier to snuggle into for stories, songs and Baby Einstein dvds as Mama's tummy gets bigger and bigger with Norah's soon-to-be sibling.
Norah's mom has really enjoyed watching Norah become such a little Daddy's girl lately, even if it means that it's not always mama that makes everything better anymore. Daddy makes everything better now and Norah is one lucky girl to have a father who loves her so much.
Happy Father's Day!
Norah Snuggling with Dada, Lovey and Puppy. |