December 29, 2012

"What's That?!"

Dear Norah Bird,
A common phrase around here lately is "What's that?!" And while this used to be the utterance of your dad and I while marveling at your output during diaper changes, the amazing thing is that now this phrase is coming from your little mouth. Is this normal for a one-year-old? I mean, your curiosity aside, I guess I wasn't quite expecting your vocabulary and comprehension to snowball as much as it has recently. You've quickly gone from showing interest in something and vocalizing that interest in baby jibberish (for you have always been vocal) to telling us what you see and asking us about the things you are curious about. Amazing.

I feel like maybe I should be better at marking these milestones for you. In keeping up with you over the last almost 14 months, one thing I haven't kept is a baby book. And while some things are easy to remember - like your first tooth at 4 months old - other milestones seem to just glide by unnoticed in the day to day scheme of things until they become so commonplace that I have to stop myself and wonder: when did you learn how to do that?

4 months old: 2 teeth.
It's been a while since you started out with "mama" and "dada" (both occurred around the same time in all fairness to your Dad and I). These were followed closely by "ball" and "baby" and you've even been able to somewhat say "balloon" for a while now. It's been so long that it seems like you were always saying these things but I know that can't be the case.

I'm not sure what to credit with your sudden burst of vocabulary - which I'll get to in a minute. I know that you've always been a mimic and so your Dad and I have had some influence on your repertoire. As have other family members. When you were only 3 months old, your Aunt Erin and Uncle J sent you a recordable storybook as a gift while you were in the hospital. You quickly came to love listening to that book and it remains a favorite of yours. On one page your cousin Natalie startles you by hooting like an owl. As a result, when prompted with "What does an owl say?" you'll answer with "Hoo hooo!" This has been a regular occurrence for a few months now to the point where you get lazy about hooting and don't quite give it your all, appeasing us with a "hmm hmmmm."

You have since learned a number of other animal sounds. You can easily tell us what a sheep, a cow, a cat, and a rooster say. You can also roar like a lion, caw like a crow, and you go "dub dub dub" for fish. The latter was learned from one of your favorite books The Pout Pout Fish where Mr Fish repeatedly goes "blub blub bluuuuub." You point to the page and pronounce "DUB DUB DUB!" Strangely, you still haven't mastered barking like a dog which is ironic since we've never encountered a lion yet you spend your days with a chocolate lab.

Best Buds

No rest for the protective pup.

Who? Us?

Talking it over with Oakley.

Chocolate Lab Kisses!
I suspect you are learning many of your words from your books and also from daycare (where you learned to "Ho Ho Ho" for Santa). You certainly love your books and it was about a month ago that you first pointed to an apple on the counter and declared "Apple!" That same night in the bath you got excited about the soapy bubbles, exclaiming "Bubble! Bubble!" The next morning, you produced your first two-word string, a pleasant greeting to the Baby In The Mirror: "Hi Baby!" You now greet babies everywhere - in the picture frames, in books, in stores. You also have tacked on "Hi" to "Mama" and "Dada" so you can greet us whenever the mood strikes.

It's not just the rote statements that amaze me but the comprehension. Who knew one-year-olds were so smart?! Not only can you identify an apple here and there, but you can identify one anywhere! You can spot them in person and in illustration. Same with bubbles, babies, etc. Oh - and Elmo, whom, you most certainly did learn at daycare where they read lots of Elmo books. What is it about that little bug-eyed red guy that kids love? Every chicken that you see is a rooster and elicits a "Cockooo!"

You generally use your new words in the proper context. I think that's what amazes me the most. Like "Uh-Oh!" You say this multiple times a day. You'll drop something and exclaim "uh-oh!" Or you'll give us fair warning before purposefully dropping something by proclaiming "uh-oh" first. Sometimes you don't have all the words for what you want to express but you have associated words. For instance, you have a book of opposites with dog illustrations. The first illustration is of a "happy" dog and so you'll bring us your book saying "happy, happy, happy." A later page contrasts few with many and has an illustration of many (17) puppies. You have always liked that page and would turn to it and stare at it. Now you can say "many." Amazing.

And you certainly know "no." This was cute at first when you learned it from your book, Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin. Each page asks a question to which the answer is no. So you would answer for us "NO!" Now, no has many meanings and is often accompanied by fussiness. You also quickly went from signing "more" to just saying it. Between "no" and "more" what else does a toddler really need to communicate?

Oh - some more tricks of yours that I want to remember. You can complete our sentences pertaining to your books. A is for "apple!" and B is for "bubble!" And even cuter, you can show us your nose and your belly - often you heartily lift your shirt to show us your belly. You also like to point out Mama's mouth, nose, and eye - and not always, if ever, gently. And, most adorably, you give us kisses. Enthusiastic, puckered up, aduible smackeroo kisses. Almost as cute is the "hat" gesture. Whenever you see someone wearing a hat, you like to tap the top of your head and say "hat!" If Daddy or I ask you where your hat is, you reliably pat the top of your head whether you are wearing a hat or not.

You still don't have much of an interest in walking but you certainly talk the talk. I love that you love reading and I imagine this has something to do with what I'm deeming your expansive vocabulary. You cycle through your favorites and we have books in every room that you spend time in - mostly the play room, your bedroom, and the living room. You start out each morning reading through your books on your own while I get our breakfast ready. And multiple times throughout the day we just sit and read wherever we are. Being primarily a stay-at-home mom allows me to read with you often and I cherish it. You've gone from just wanting to turn the pages to actually listening to the story and  exploring the illustrations.

Just some light morning reading.
Until recently I couldn't leave you alone with your books which seemed so unfair considering how much you love to look through them. Your books with paper pages have been taped multiple times. And your board books all show extensive wear from you chewing on them. Yes, not only do you enjoy a good story but you also enjoy the books in a culinary sense.

A is for Appetizer
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is no match for the Very Hungry Toddler.

You seem to have gotten a little bit better about chewing on your books lately but this just could be an ebb in the teething process (oh -you're up to 12 teeth now!). And so I've been giving you a little more freedom to "read" on your own. But you also very much enjoy us reading to you and it makes Daddy and I swell with pride when you crawl over to us with a book. One of your favorite past times is reading with your Dada on the window seat in your play room. He lays you on his stomach and reads you a book. When he's finished you roll off him, grab another and then declare "Up!" before climbing back up on his belly and settling in for another story. I must get a video of this.

So much is happening in your world right now and you are at such a fun age where everything sparks your curiosity. I realized tonight that I had been routinely answering "What's that?!" questions with increasing frequency. Sometimes you know the answer to your own question but other times you are genuinely curious. But tonight I saw that your question is already becoming habit when you first asked me "What's that?!" and then realized you should point to something. And so you did. It was the ceiling.

I'll tell you all you want to know, my little bird. You can keep asking me "What's that?!" in your squawky little voice that I so enjoy. I anticipate that this phase will be much more enjoyable for me and certainly will not be as exhausting as the "Why?" stage that is yet to come.


December 28, 2012

Tis the Season

Once Upon a Time there was a little girl who epitomized what the Christmas season is all about. Her spirit was joyful, boisterous, and true. She made her own fun, laughed at her own jokes, and sang her own songs.

 We make our own fun around here!
Video Link: Norah's Dada Ball-Popper

Video Link: Norah sliding down the stairs

She enjoyed the outdoors and a good old-fashioned tractor ride through the fields.

Picking out a Christmas Tree with Dada.

There's a reindeer on my back!
Trying to get a feel for the tree.
This is the one!
Always most interested in the leaves.
She was stylish and appreciated a good hat.

Rocking the shades.

Christmas dress - one of many festive outfits in Norah's wardrobe.

Hat in progress.

Taking it for a test drive.

She enjoyed all things musical and delighted in the sounds of the season.

Video Link: Norah Shaking the Bell

Music class jamboree.

She kept her family close to her heart.

Mama and her koala baby at music class.
She liked a good snow flake and had a knack for decorating.

Enjoying the snowflakes at music class.

Norah and Lucius decorating the tree.

Taking the task very seriously.

Norah decorating the tree, Lucius decorating Norah.

Lucius admiring his work.

Adjusting some low-hanging ornaments.

Video Link: Norah and Lucius decorating the tree

Admiring Nana's tree

Norah has an eye for true ornamental style.
She had a love for animals.

Norah and her new bunny.

She enjoyed a good story and even liked to tell her own stories. 

Evening reading with Dada.

Grandpa tells the best stories.

Reading is fun with Auntie Em!

She had respect and a healthy dose of fear for the jolly man in the red suit but was not above impersonating him.

Mom and Dad took Norah to visit Santa at daycare.

Enjoying our visit with Santa...

All is well from a distance.

Nope! No thanks!

Back safe in Dada's arms after giving Santa a conciliatory high five.
Santa outfit: dressing the part.
She brings joy and laughter to her parents' lives and touches the hearts of all those around her. She made Christmas a very special time for her family this year and her parents can't wait to celebrate many more Christmases with her. For each day Norah continues to amaze them as her cheerful and curious personality shines through more and more.

The End.

December 17, 2012

Birthday Bird

Dear Norah Bird,

It's been a while since I've written a new post for you. I blame the new sewing machine your Daddy got me for my birthday which has led to all sorts of crafty inspiration. Lucky for me, you are not yet old enough to be embarrassed by all of my inspiration which ultimately ends up on you.

Fall never looked cuter.
I may have gotten a little carried away with the pumpkin tutus and made some from your girlfriends, Sophie and Riley, who are also fall babies and celebrated their birthdays in October. Of course, we needed to get a picture of our three little pumpkins at music class one Saturday. Somehow the effect wasn't so much cute as it was scary. You looked like some sort of baby gang and the three of you took up half the music circle.

One little, two little, three little pumpkin-butted-baby-girls...
With your birthday on November 1st, I didn't want to totally skimp out on Halloween. I also didn't want to go all out and spend a ton of money on a costume that you wouldn't even enjoy wearing. So my compromise was a simple, homemade octopus costume. You were not a fan of the hat but as long as you were distracted, you didn't mind the legs at all.

Baby Octopus!
We didn't go trick-or-treating but we did go over to Mt Cuba Center where your dad works to visit all of his co-workers who were thrilled to see you. With us living on the property and with both your Dad and I working there now, I have a feeling that you will grow up with a special place in the hearts of many of the staff there. They certainly have doted on you over the last year!

Angie and the octopus.

Dancing with Julia.
It will be interesting for me to see how you enjoy Halloween as you get older. Will you love having a birthday that follows one of the biggest days of the year for children? Or will you feel as though your day is overshadowed by the hype of Halloween and resent that you always wake up on your birthday with a tummy ache? While pregnant with you, my due date was Halloween but you must have decided that you wanted your own day and waited until 11-1-11 to come into this world.

How did we get to your first birthday already? I cannot believe it has been an entire year since you entered this world. One whole trip around the sun for you and I together. You must know by now how much I love you.

Hello, baby bird.

From the moment you were born, I wanted to take care of you always even though I was overwhelmed with feelings of uncertainty that were entirely new to me. But over the last year, we've figured it out together - this mother-daughter dance of ours. It is certainly not how I envisioned it but I wouldn't change a thing. There have been challenges and setbacks, of course. But what I remember most are the small triumphs and the little things that make you and I the duo that we are together. 

I am so proud of you. Life has been challenging since you arrived but it has been far more rewarding than I ever could have imagined. Over the last year you have impressed me in so many ways. I love that you have your Dad's easy-going nature and my dark hair. And I love your little personality which blooms wider everyday. 

On your 1st birthday, we celebrated with your Nana, Auntie Em and Uncle Ryan who came to visit. You enjoyed opening a few gifts verrrrry sloooowly. And after seeing how much you enjoyed the Bieber card your Auntie Nado and Uncle Adam sent me for my birthday (Norah and the Bieb 10-2-12), your Auntie Em and Uncle Ryan brought you a new musical birthday card for you to destroy enjoy.

Of course, as is tradition on a baby's first birthday, you got to enjoy your first sugar-laden sweet. I chose to make pumpkin cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting and you seemed to enjoy yours very much. We eventually had to take it away from you because if you had your way, you would've eaten the whole thing and bed time was fast-approaching. 

You have no idea what's coming...

Observe. Explore tentatively.

Going for it...

Lift off!

Taste bud contact.

"Oh yeah. That's good!"


"Get your own!"

My work here is done.
I can't recall what you had for dinner that night but you would think that I could have wiped it off your face before taking all of your momentous birthday cupcake pictures. Lucky for us you slept like a rock that night despite the late evening sugar-rush. You even had your first bath-poopy which Nana got to clean up. And it's a good thing you got your rest when you did because the following days were jam-packed with visitors as your family arrived from New York  for your first birthday party that weekend. On Friday we had an influx of Spilmans, Shampines (and canines!) as your Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Erin, Uncle J, Natalie, Alivia, Great Aunt Lynne, Great Uncle Don, Aunties Deb and Mary and Uncle Andrew joined us along with your Nana, Auntie Em, and Uncle Ryan. In addition to Oakley we also hosted two other dogs - Tilly and Sammy. On the following day, we were joined by your Auntie Nado and Uncle Adam as well. It was a busy place to be!


You got right down to business playing with your cousin, Liv.

Cousins cooking!
It was great that you were able to spend some time with your cousins. Now that you are getting older, you seem to enjoy their company more and they love seeing you! It's especially fun for me to watch you and Alivia play together as she is only 11 months older than you. I have a feeling you'll be close growing up.

On Saturday, we had a party here at the house with lots of owl decorations, pumpkin cupcakes, and some of your baby friends. It was a great day. And you were so excited that you wouldn't nap all morning.With the house full of family and the party preparations there was just too much going on for you to think about your beauty rest. Our guests started arriving just before our scheduled party start time and promptly at 1:00....

Out like a light.
At 1:00 sharp, you fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, the other side of your ceiling looked like a circus as all of your friends played without noticing your absence. After an hour and a half of this, we thought we would try to wake you but nothing, absolutely NOTHING, would work! As usual when we have to try to wake you, we tried a gentle approach first. We tried opening your door to the noise. We tried turning on your bedroom lights. We tried rubbing your back. We had a small assembly of family members gathered around your crib in lively conversation. No response. Eventually we send Daddy down to do the dirty work. He brought you upstairs in a bewildered state as you observed the crowd and plopped you down in the play room. You fussed for a minute as you adjusted to being robbed from your nap and brought into the mayhem. But then you forgot and had fun playing with your friends and visiting with all of your guests.

Three generations of Spilman ladies!

Cooking with Lucius

Liv had fun with your neighbor, Richard!

Cheers to two fine looking grandmas.

Uncle J helps Nat and Liv with their cupcakes.

Fun with Auntie Nado and Uncle Adam!

Uncle and niece. I think he was trying to steal her cupcake...

Lucius and his mama.

Some of your baby friends: Declan, Amelia, Sophie and Riley.

And their beautiful mamas.

We are so lucky, Norah Bird. We have such a wonderful family who were able to travel from New York and Maryland to be with us on your special day. And after only a short time in Delaware, we also have an expansive group of friends and neighbors who were able to share in your celebration. I am so thankful for all that you have. We are truly blessed and so decided that in the spirit of your birthday we should give back in some way. So we asked guests to donate toys to the Child Life program at A.I. duPont Childrens Hospital where you spent some time being treated for kidney infections when you were an infant. Based on the donations we collected, I think it's safe to say that you have some very generous friends and family.  

Just some of the donations to the children's hospital!
Of course, the highlight for you was the birthday cupcake. You already had a taste on your actual birthday and so knew what was coming once you saw it. That cupcake didn't stand a chance.

Video Link: Happy Birthday to Norah

The rest of the day was pretty tame. You were now well-rested and well-fed and could get down to the business of opening gifts and spending time with your family and friends.

A drum from your cousins!

SU gear from Auntie Deb, of course.

We like to sit on our presents.

Dada and baby.

Nat and Aunt Nado.

Sometimes you look so much like your father!

Snuggles for Oakley!

All ready for bed after a long day together!

Separating the animals from the animals.
Happy Birthday, my sweet girl. I have so many hopes and dreams for you but my only wish is that you are always surrounded by love. 
