Once Upon a Time, a long, long time ago (last month) a mom and her baby girl traveled from Delaware to New York to spend a week visiting family. This was baby girl Norah's first time away from her Dad for an extended period of time. This made her mom a little sad but Norah was excited to spend time with her relatives who live far away. It was a busy week.
Nana and Norah (and Sophie!). |
On their drive up to New York, Norah got
to stop and visit with her Mom's Aunt Mary and Uncle Dave who are new
grandparents. Norah always enjoys visiting with them because her Great
Aunt Mary runs a home daycare and so there are lots of toys for her to
play with. And Norah's mom likes the handmade nursery goodies that her
Aunt Mary always sends them home with.
Uncle Dave and Aunt Mary with Norah. |
Over the river and through the mountain (
Lehigh Tunnel)
they traveled from Delaware to Nana's house in central New York. Nana
had come down the weekend prior and so Norah, Mom, and Nana all traveled
back together in Nana's car. Nana made Mom drive the whole way so that
she could hang out with Norah in the back seat. Once they arrived at
Nana's house though, Nana was very good about sharing Norah with her
aunties, uncles, and other visitors -
most especially, Aunt Mary's new puppy. There was lots of cuteness.
Norah and Tilly. |
Cuteness Poker: I see your baby and I raise you one puppy. |
Tilly does not yet know to be afraid of Norah. |
Norah and her mom enjoyed their extended visit and spent a lot of time hanging out and letting visitors come to them. This was mostly because Mom just wanted to relax and was in need of a vacation. And with so many people around to help watch Norah, it was easy for her to get a little lazy.
Norah and Great Auntie G - who is soon to be a new Grandma! |
Visiting with Great Aunt Roxy who has two dogs! |
Now, there is one person in particular worth mentioning as a special visitor. Mom's cousin, Stacy, is famous not only for her artistic abilities (no doubt she will someday give Norah her first tattoo) but also for her self-proclaimed aversion to babies. Stacy has never been a big fan of babies. Even as kids, Stacy wasn't keen on children smaller than her. Babies just aren't her thing.
"Psst. So, you say this is the one who won't like me?" |
But, as we know, Norah isn't just any
baby. She is the world's cutest, most irresistible baby ever. Over the
last few months we've seen Stacy warming up to Norah Bird. And then we
witnessed a breakthrough. Stacy voluntarily took Norah onto her lap and
held her. And Stacy even seemed to enjoy the experience of visiting with her cousin's chubby little offspring.
Norah and Aunt Stacy. |
"A mouth? Yes! I have one too! So many things in common!" |
In addition to baby therapy, Norah and her mom had a few outings, including a trip to Breitbeck Park to go for a stroll and test out the swings. They also went to Rudy's and Bev's on the lake for some fish, ice cream, and sea gulls.
"I see a DOGGIE and I am SO EXCITED!!!" |
Enjoying the swing with Auntie Em. |
Weeee! |
Norah and Mom at the lake with Nana, Grandma, Grandpa and Great Aunt Marcia. |
Norah played with her aunties...
Norah and Auntie Em hanging in their pjs. |
Norah and her Auntie Erin. |
...and tried on some hats.
Squinty Stink-face. |
Hat on. Hat off. |
"I am not enjoying this game as much as you think I am." |
Norah also got to spend lots of time playing with her cousins, Natalie and Alivia. The weather was perfect for swimming, swinging, visiting, and strolling to the beach for some ice cream.
Liv drinking while Norah eats her toys. |
Enjoying the swing at Natalie and Alivia's house. |
Alivia in the big girl swing! |
Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house. |
Norah also got to meet her cousins, Liam and Ryan, who were up visiting from Ohio. Ryan is only 14 months old and enjoyed having another little person around.
Hanging in Ryan's crib. |
Ryan giving Norah snuggles. |
Dad, Ryan and Norah with Dad's cousin, Shawna. |
Not so sure about Dad's cousin, Mike. |
By far, the best part of Norah's week away was being reunited with her Daddy when he came up at the end of the week. Each day when Dad comes home from work, Norah gets so excited. So everyone knew she would be beside herself when Dad walked through that door after five days away. On top of all this, Norah had just learned how to say "Dada" and she liked to repeat this phrase whenever she was excited.
Video Link: Norah Missed her Dada
Norah with Daddy. All's right in the world again. |
Now that Norah's world was complete, it was time to hang out with her cousins.
Liam, Alivia, Ryan, and Norah. |
Ryan: "Girls are gross!" |
| |
"Boys stink!" |
At the end of the week, Norah's mom and dad packed up the moving truck with all of their belongings that had been in storage over the last year and headed back to Delaware where they could begin getting ready for the move into their new home. Norah also brought home her first cold which lasted through moving day over a week later. But it was worth it for Norah to have a vacation in New York with her family.
The End.